6 Most Common Software Design Patterns in C# with code examples

In C#, one of the most important and commonly used design patterns is the Singleton pattern. The Singleton pattern ensures that only one instance of a class is created throughout the lifetime of an application, providing a global point of access to that instance.


Factory Pattern

The Factory pattern is used to create different types of articles (TextArticle and ImageArticle) through the ArticleFactory abstract class and its concrete implementations.

Observer pattern

The Observer pattern is used to notify observers (ArticleObserver) when the state of an article (ArticleSubject) changes, such as updating the article title.

Decorator Pattern

The Decorator pattern is used to dynamically add additional behaviors to articles, such as adding comments (ArticleWithComments) or tags (ArticleWithTags) to an article.

Strategy Pattern

The Strategy pattern is used to define different publishing strategies (InstantPublishingStrategy and ScheduledPublishingStrategy) and allow the ArticleContext to switch between them dynamically.

Repository Pattern

The Repository pattern is used to encapsulate data access logic for articles through the IArticleRepository interface and its concrete implementation ArticleRepository.


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